Background: Ocimum fimbriatum Briq. var.
fimbriatum is used traditionally in Zambia for its
aphrodisiac effect, but there is no scientific evidence
to support this use. Therefore, this study aimed to
validate the aphrodisiac effects of the plant's root
extract in rats.
Study Design: This was an experimental study in
which sixty Wister rats (30 males and 30 females)
were separated into 5 groups of 12 rats and treated
with different doses of the extract.
Methods: The root extracts were administered at
single oral doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg to 30
male rats. Distilled water and sildenafil served as
controls. Female rats were treated with 0.1 mg/kg
diethylstilbesterol and paired to the male rats.
Mounting frequency, intromission, ejaculation, and
latency periods were monitored using recording
cameras. Recordings were analyzed visually and
expressed as mean ± standard error.
Results: The root extract produced significant dosedependent
increases in mounting, intromission, and
ejaculation frequencies and latency periods,
compared to negative controls. The 400 mg/kg dose
produced highest number of mounts (31.33 ± 0.49,
p= 0.001), intromissions (24.17 ± 0.60, p= 0.001)
and ejaculations (7.67 ± 0.33, p= 0.001) compared to
negative controls. At this dose, latency periods for
mounting (3.00 ± 0.37min, p= 0.001) and
intromission (2.1 ± 0.32 min, p= 0.001) were
shortest, while the latency periods for ejaculation
(6.33 ± 0.56 min, p=0.001) were longest.
Conclusion: Root extract of Ocimum fimbriatum
exerted significant aphrodisiac effects in rats and
justifies traditional use of the plant. Further studies
are required to elucidate the active principles and
mechanisms involved in this effect.